Thursday, January 31, 2013

Toilets 1/31/13

A toilet?  What kind of post is that?

In light of recent events, I thought I would post something a little different.

There are some toilets here, or at least where I live and at the school.  Some places, there aren't toilets, but holes in the ground instead. Some of the girls bathrooms at schools have holes in the ground.  Toilet seats are optional.  I'm very thankful there is toilet paper here.  In Thailand, the Thai people didn't use toilet paper.  Instead, they had kitchen sprayers attached to the water line.  Toilets here don't have a curve in the bottom, so I think the sewer gas comes up from underground and often bathrooms smell.  To flush the toilet you pull up on knobs in the middle of the back of the toilet.  This picture is a staff bathroom at school.  I think you can use the bottle to hold a candle at night.  At school, the water has always been on when I've been there, but when it's not, you have to get a pitcher of water from a barrel of water to flush the toilet.

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