Thursday, January 17, 2013

Areas 1/16/13

I've been working on learning Kirundi, but slowly.  I've learned that Kirundi has the "ng" sound that Thai has.  No matter how I have tried, I can't seem to make the "ng" sound unless it's at the end of a word, like "sing."  Just like Thailand, people here also struggle with "L" and "R" in English.  They will often switch or mix up "L" or "R." Yesterday I taught the students how to calculate areas.  I tried not to laugh as my classes said "palallelagram" and "pararreragram" instead of "parallelogram."

The student class president I think has taken it as her personal endeavor to teach Jen Kirundi.  Hopefully, she hasn't given up on me.  Hanna has been helping me too.  I've learned "oh yeah" is no, and "ego" is yes.

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