Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pencils 1/12/13

JR is the headmaster of the school.  Under him, is the Residency Director, and the Academic Dean.  If I have an issue, I go to them first.  In a way, you could say I have two bosses.  :)  I told the Academic Dean that I was working on my laptop, and writing up labs.  He asked if I had enough paper, and if I had pens and pencils.  I told him yes, and I showed him the pens and pencils in my backpack.  He again asked me, "But do you have any pencils?"  He thought the pencils I had were pens.  He had never seen a mechanical pencil.  I showed him how the eraser could be removed, and that lead could be added at the top.  Perhaps before I leave, I'll give him one of my pencils and extra lead.

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