Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lost 1/16/13

Just like many things in life, some things you learn the hard way.  At school, you have to keep track of your belongings at all times.  I left my classroom yesterday for break, and came back and found my tape measure busted, chalk smash, and something written on my desk in chalk (I think it was "Peace") and something written on the chalk board.  So, today, I kicked the kids out of my classroom, locked it and took break with the other teachers.  Hanna left a pencil bag on her desk/table once, and half the pencils were taken.  Ryan and I went to the market yesterday.  He bought some clippers for his hair and beard.  He asked me this morning if I had accidently taken them with me when we went back to school.  Unfortunately, it looks like someone probably took them out of his van.  Then, I was subbing in typing class today when Jen came in and asked me if I had seen her journal.  She thinks she left it in the computer lab yesterday.  It's nowhere to be found either.  Not too long after that I was VERY thankful when a kid handed me my camera case.
(Dan, it looks like I still need some training!)

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