Monday, January 7, 2013

Hanna 1/5/13

Jen, JR and I left Bujumbura and traveled to Gitega.  JR when home, and Jen and I were taken to the Children's home where we would be living.  When Jen and I arrived at our new home, Hanna, another teacher at the middle school, greeted us along with a couple of families from her church.  Hanna is from Idaho, and her friends were from the same church.  One couple lived in Bujumbura, and one couple lived back in Idaho and was visiting from the US with their four kids.  The youngest kid was 21 months old, and three of the four kids threw up on the planes coming to Burundi.  What a nightmare it was for their mother!  The family is hoping things will be better on the way home.  Hanna is the typing teacher, however, she will be taking a break these first few weeks of school.  Hanna got Malaria in December, thought she was doing better, but got it again severely last week or the week before.  She's doing alright, but is taking it easy so she doesn't have another episode.  Hanna wasn't sleeping under a mosquito net, wasn't on malaria medicine, and was in the same room Jen and I are now in.  She was a great help answering questions from Jen and I, and she's happy there are now other Americans with her. She gave Jen and I a book or a Word Document that will help us learn Kirundi.

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