Monday, January 7, 2013

Options? 1/7/13

Gitega is a larger city in Burundi.  It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Burjumbura.  Although there are a lot of people in Gitega, it's very limited.  I was warned.  There are a lot of people, but it's a very poor city.  There are a lot of people working in fields and walking along the side of the roads.  There are a lot of single story red brick buildings scattered over hills.  In town, everything is done in cash.  There isn't an ATM in the entire city.  There are two grocery stores, and two internet cafes which work sometimes.  I'm thankful a lady from India works in one store, and she speaks English.  Things I probably can't buy -- deodorant and conditioner.  Jen's Mom is coming in three weeks.  Jen and I are already putting together a list of things for her to bring.  JR says mail might make it to the Burundi office.  He says things don't make it to or from Gitega.  If something does come, it takes a long time.  I'm glad I packed well.  God has been good.  :)

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