Monday, January 7, 2013

Holes 1/6/13

Jen and I found out we would be living in the Children's home one day before arriving.  When we arrived, we were shown to our room.  We discovered we also had roommates...each other!  We have a small room with two beds, a table, and thankfully some pegs on the wall useful for hanging stuff.  The Children's home later brought us some shelves.  Jen chose the bed next to the wall and I chose the bed next to the window.  We are working on getting everything situated. Although we had mosquito nets, there were cider block openings above our windows where mosquitoes could fly in.  We asked Reggie if there was any screen mesh to cover the openings.  There wasn't.  I was surprised he was able to take us to town, and get it taken care of.  It wasn't until later Jen and I thought we could have cut up an extra mosquito net she had and duct taped it over the openings.  I have been faithfully taking my Malaria medicine.  I haven't seen many mosquitoes in Gitega, but there were some in Bujumbura.  The medicine helps with acne, but makes me sensitive to sunlight.  I also try to eat a lot with the medicine so it doesn't upset my stomach.

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