Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hoola Hoops 1/9/13

Hanna has returned from Bujumbura, and it's been wonderful getting to know her.  By doctor's orders, she's taking it easy for a couple of weeks so she doesn't have problems with malaria again.  She's still weak. She'll go back to teaching in a couple of weeks.  I believe Hanna is planning to stay a couple years in Burundi.  Jen is planning to stay a year and a half. Hanna is 21 and I think one of the nicest people I have met. I've heard various accounts of people getting mail, or not getting mail.  Hanna works through another organization than I do, and she has gotten packages sent to her.  On top of that, her friends who were recently visited brought her a number of things including...eight hoola hoops!   The hoops can be twisted into two loops, and put into a suitcase.  Most nights, the children in the Children's home come knocking on our door, and 'borrow' the hoola hoops.  They love hoola hooping.  They can fight over them though, and it can be difficult to get them back.  Often in the afternoon, Jen, Hanna, another lady named Gloria, and I are on the porch playing with the kids.

Jen, hanging out with one of the girls:

Hanna, having fun with the kids while they play with her camera.

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