Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Day of School 1/7/13

I prepared for classes and visited the school the day before classes start, but there were some bumps my first class.  Fifteen minutes before class, I arrived at school.  I found out that the staff lunch from the day before was still in my room, there were dirty chairs that were left out in the rain the previous day.  They had red Burundi soil on them, and were carelessly pushed into the room and left by the door.  In the rush of getting the chairs in the classroom, I think someone pushed a drinking glass off one of the tables, and it was lying in pieces on the floor.  Thankfully, the Academic Dean helped me out, and got students and staff to clean it up.  The first day of class, I presented a syllabus, tried to get seating charts figured out, and had the students rearrange the chairs for lab stations.  I think it went well!

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