Sunday, February 10, 2013

School Food

My high school cafeteria food was pretty good.  They had excellent breakfast burritos.  I don't remember much about school lunches, but I do remember the sign, "You have two choices: take it or leave it."

Often, I will eat lunch at school.  Once a week, the staff is asked to eat with the kids.  Normally, I join them on Friday.  One lunch, I asked one of the boys what their favorite food was.  They pointed at the potatoes.  The kids like the food.  Some kids say their favorite foods are pizza and hamburgers, but I don't think many of them have had the opportunities to have them.

Like Thailand, cheese is pretty rare.  I've found two places in town that have cheese.  JR has a fridge, but when electrical outages are common, you take your chances on the fridge keeping food cold.  There isn't a fridge at school.

For lunch at schools, there is always rice and beans, and one or two other dishes.  There is either boiled potatoes, yellow potatoes where some are mashed, or a red sauce with onions and either egg plant or cooked green bananas.  As staff, we often get French fries or dry cooked green bananas.  The green bananas taste kind of like potatoes. 

The kids eat a lot.  I should never underestimate teenage boys' appetites.

1 comment:

  1. It's obvious that there is too much to eat....plates can't hold it all.

    Uncle Dick


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