Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hair 2/14/13

Hair sounds like the word "teach" in Kirundi.  Many women in Burundi either keep their hair short, covered up, or in braids.  Some have longer hair, and go to salons to get it done. Gloria braids her hair.  After about two months, she takes it out.  In the braids she puts black yarn.  The ends of the braids are burned.  Here's a picture of Hanna burning Gloria's hair.

It's hard to find conditioner here because only the mazungu's (white people) need it.  Sometimes the kids at the Children's home and at school will touch my hair because it's so different from their hair.  I try to get oil out of my hair.  The people here add oil to their hair.  There are some salons to treat hair, and straighten it.

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