Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lights Out 4/3/13

One night a number of years ago, I went out to dinner with my parents.  We went to a restaurant close to home.  We took our 1964 Comet Mercury station wagon.  Unfortunately, the fuse for the headlights blew, and I had to drive home without the lights.  Leave it to me to get stopped by a cop two blocks from our house.  When the cop said he pulled me over because my lights were out, but that it was good the turn signals worked, my Dad and I both said, "They are?"  He let me off, and I didn't get a ticket.

Last night, the headlights in the Booger (the yellow truck) weren't working.  So, the driver drove me the two miles home on the bumpy road with the flashers to guide the way.  I generally go home in the daylight, but the driver was running late.  So...I tightly held my phone out the window to help light the way.  The flashlight setting on the phone has been a big blessing.  We made it home safely.  :)  No cops this time, and some laughter from people we passed.

I suspect it was a fuse problem.  The fuse box looks pretty bad, and I'm not sure it could have simply been fixed by switching fuses.  The vehicle doesn't have a heater, so using that fuse was out of the question.  It's been hard to help with the vehicles when you speak different languages with the drivers and the mechanic!

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