Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cibtoke Bakery 4/20/13

Where I currently live, they have a couple of wood ovens.  They bake bread for the children living near me, and for the kids at the school I teach at.  Calvin, Paul and I only stayed a couple of nights in Cibitoke, but our timing was perfect.  During the time we were there, they baked the first loaves of bread in the newly built bakery. 

In Cibitoke, all bread is transported from the capital which is a couple hours away.  They are going to sell the bread in Cibitoke, and it will help support the children's home, and the clinic and school projects.  I bought a round loaf for 500 Burundi Francs (about $0.33), and passed out pieces to the local people watching the event.  All the bread made this first day was sold to the people near the bakery...I don't think any made it to the store.  So, hopefully the bakery and the store are a success.

The baker preparing the bread.  He was living in Buja, but was happy to return to Cibitoke with his family.  His relatives live in Cibitoke.

Loaves shaped like crocodiles.  They also made round loaves, hot dog bun like loaves, square loaves, and smaller cakes that Calvin and Paul said were similar to scones in England.

Pulling bread out of the oven.  Bread dough is raised in a small room warmed by the smoke from the oven.  The tin door to the room can be seen in this picture.

The crocodile loaves will be sold for 2000 Burundi Francs, or about $1.29.  They may be used to celebrate birthdays. :)

One of the finished products.  It tastes like bread from home.  This loaf is sold for about $0.51.

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