Saturday, April 20, 2013

Blue Bay 4/19/13

During my break, I had the opportunity to go to Blue Bay, a resort in the southern part of Burundi.  I took a taxi to Bujumbura and stayed the night in my organization's housing.  Early the next morning, I went to Blue Bay with Michelle, Jeremy, Nadia, Hanna, two men from England, and one of our organization's drivers named Samuel.

The two new comers from England are Paul and Calvin.  They will be here for about four months.  Paul will be helping with the sponsorships for the Homes of Hope kids, chapel Sunday mornings at my school, and other office work in Bujumbura.  Paul is in Burundi for his gap year, or the time many English students take as a break between high school and college.  Paul will be going to Oxford.  Calvin will be doing sports with the primary school in the mornings, sports at my school in the afternoons, and some work with the kids at school on cleanliness.

Samuel is one of our organization's drivers in the capital city.  He is married, and has five sons!

On the way to Blue Bay, we stopped at a waterfall near the road.  We walked up to the waterfall, and some local kids followed us up.  They less us take their pictures, and they enjoyed seeing the pictures afterwards.  I don't think many people have mirrors here.

Rural kids near the waterfall.

Michelle near the waterfall.

Jeremy showing the kids pictures.

At one point, I tried to take a picture of a rock and a pool of water, and some of the kids gathered around to see what I was looking at, and stepped on the rock.  I think I like the picture better with the additions.  :)  Deworming pills and some vitamins for the kids...check.

At the resort, everyone went swimming but me.  I've been told by multiple people not to go swimming during my time here.  I didn't pack a swimsuit, and that helped keep me on land.  We did play some volleyball, and I hung out on the dock.  The water was beautiful, the sand was inviting, and the sun made an appearance.  During our stay, the resort even played some English country music.  In the pictures and videos, you may be able to see a couple mountains on the other side of the lake.  That's the Democratic Republic of Congo.
It's free to go to the resort, but you are expected to buy food.  Late in the afternoon, we had some fish, French fries, and spaghetti.
Nadia and Michelle jumping off the dock.

Jeremy, Calvin, Paul and Samuel (left to right)


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