Saturday, March 23, 2013

Critters 3/23/13

One of the cool things about traveling halfway across the world is seeing the different wildlife.  For me...that often means creepy crawlings and things that chirp.  I was expecting to see scorpions, but I haven't seen any.  I've seen one dead black snake.  :)  Since I'm at a higher elevation, there aren't as many bugs here as other parts of Africa.
There are a lot of hornets, and nests outside the houses.  It's normal one is flying around inside the house.  This nest is on the house father's house.

Late at night, after it's dark, there are some loud cricket like insects that burrow in the ground.  I've managed to track down a couple, but was discouraged at how loud the bugs are when you are up close.  They make holes about 1" wide, and are about 2" long.  The next morning, the holes are covered up.  I think they look the closest to a Mormon cricket.  I can't seem to find them on Google.

 Here's an odd shaped moth.  It's not very big.

This was crawling across my porch a couple days ago.  It looked like a cross between an earthworm, a leech, and a slug, and was a couple inches long.

This spider looks kinda like a Daddy long legs, but has a longer torso.  This one I spotted on the inside of my misquito net one morning, carring a large egg sack.  I see these fairly regularly.

This is a beetle that was flying around Jeremy and Nadia's house.  It's medium sized.
 Here's a couple small butterflies from a park.

We call these the stupid bugs.  They will fly around lights at night.  They will go from the light, down a wall, and then crawl around on the tile or patio.  They're kinda like flying worms.
 Here are the ravens with white chests that hang out around the Children's Home in the morning.

I see these little black and white birds often.  They will sit and bob their tails up and down.  Sometimes, I'll see them get food from restaurants, or outdoor tables.

This is Karma.  She was JR and Ryan's pet.  When Jeremy and Nadia arrived, unfortunately Ryan picked up Karma to show Nadia, and she was dead.  She was named Karma for the 1980s song, "Karma Chameleon."

A group recently visited from a sister organization.  10 people from the US and Canada.  They found a chameleon at the Children's home.

There are a lot of lizards at the Children's home.  Amazingly...I've only seen one that's missing a tail.

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