Friday, December 6, 2013

Church Visit 12-01-13

On one of my trips to the capital city, Bujumbura, I met a man in my cab.  His name was Leonard, and he was a pastor at a church in Gitega.  He's a joyful person, enthusiastic about God, English, and helping his community.

I woke up Sunday morning, and decided to take up Leonard's invitation to go to his church.  Although I typed up worship slides for school chapel late Saturday evening, I decided to go.  I would miss a couple of my favorite worship songs at chapel, but I was confident Hanna and Sam could handle things without me.  

The church was in town and wasn't by school.  So, to get there I caught a ride with the kids from the children's home.  I think if everyone started the day in a packed bus with 37 kids singing worship songs, the world would be probably be a better place.

Back of the bus.

The children's home father dropped me off at the church.  It was near the main road, and thankfully wasn't hard to find.  Leonard ran up to the bus, and escorted me inside.  I told him not to treat me special, anymore than any other guest, but he sat me up front by the main pastor!  I knew that was a possibility.  It's tough being inconspicuous here when you are white.

Church sanctuary

The church service was three and a half hours long.  It's typical that church services are longer in Africa.  Leonard interpreted for me sometimes, and other times a man playing the keyboard interpreted for me.  He was an English teacher at a primary school.  There were not a lot of long talks, which was nice.  There was a lot of music!  Different groups in the church lead songs.  Songs were lead by kids, mothers, men, the youth, and the worship team.  I didn't know the songs, but I did know one...they played Rock of Ages in Kirundi. Below is a video of one of the songs.  Leonard is playing the keyboard.

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