Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Allen 12-24-13

One weekend, Jen and I traveled to Bujumbura to attend Allen's college graduation.  Allen has been studying psychology.  For his degree, he had to give a thesis presentation.  He got a 92%, which is one of the highest grades on thesis presentations at his university.  Way to go, Alex!

For his graduation, there were of course...Fantas and speeches.

Allen speaking with Gloria interpreting it into English.

Allen speaking with Gloria interpreting it into English.
Allen seated up front in Burundian fashion with his family.

Allen's Bible Study from church sang a song during the celebration.

Allen is Burundian and has become a good friend to us missionaries serving at the school.  He lives in Bujumbura and has spent most of his life in Burundi.  During the civil war in the 1990's, his family lived in the Congo.

Allen travels to Gitega most weeks, and leads worship during chapel.  He speaks English, French and Kirundi well, and interprets during chapel.  Recently, some of the students have been interpreting as well.

The chapel team.

But...more important than his talents with music, language... Allen has one of the biggest hearts for God that I have seen.  I have been blessed to have him as a friend, and will miss him when I return home.

A part from his studies, Allen volunteers with Youth for Christ and helps support his family.  Last week, Allen traveled to Rwanda.  A child fell onto some hot stones or coals used for cooking.  With sponsorship I believe mainly from Greatlakes Outreach, Allen, the child and the child's mother traveled to Rwanda to receive specialized medical treatment for burn victims.  The child will probably need a number of plastic surgeries, and may never be completely healed, but it's a start.  The mother has 8 children, and feels badly about the accident. Please pray for the family during this time.

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