Friday, November 22, 2013

Burundi In The News 11-22-13

There are somethings that have happened these past few months in Africa, or in Burundi that I thought you might find interesting.  Be reassured that I am safe and well in my little corner of Burundi.  :)


On September 21st, a shopping mall was attacked by the al-Shabab terrorist group.  The siege lasted about four days.  About 67 people were killed, but the reports vary widely on the number of people injured and the number of perpetrators.  Some fear an attack soon in Uganda.


Burundi is one of the countries with soldiers in Somalia fighting against the al-Shabab terrorist group for control in Somalia.  I'm happy to report, al-Shabab is losing.  Burundians have helped train the Somalian armies, and have been at the front lines.

As tough and dangerous as the soldiers work is, there is some good news.  Burundian soldiers are trained, getting paid and it's been good for the Burundi economy.  After the various conflicts in this area (Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda), soldiers often have a hard time being integrated back into society.  This is especially true if they cannot return to their villages or families.

In Gitega, there is an army base.  Sometimes, I watch groups of soldiers run down the street near the internet cafe I use.  It would be great if I could take a picture and post it here.  Alas, it's illegal to post pictures of police men, soldiers or government buildings.


Unfortunately, since al-Shabab is unhappy, there is a travel warning for people coming to Burundi.  I received an e-mail from the U.S. government this month renewing the travel warning from April 22:

"Because Burundi participates in peacekeeping operations in Somalia, the terrorist organization al-Shabaab, based in Somalia, has threatened to conduct terror attacks in Burundi. It may also target U.S. interests in Burundi."

So far, I have not heard of any al-Shabab attacks on Burundians or Americans.  I feel things have been safe where I live.  Perhaps al-Shabab has already had their revenge...some people think al-Shabab burned down the capital's market a few months ago.  The incident is still under investigation.


A friend of mine in America let me know about this news story.  An Italian that has been living in Burundi for about ten years was caught trying to smuggle two skulls to Thailand.  His home was searched, and between 24 and 40 skulls were found.  The man was buying the skulls for about $50 and selling them for about $300.  I wasn't able to find out where or who the skulls were from.  About 1994, a civil war started in Burundi.  Around 300,000 people were killed, and a lot of victims and the location of their bodies remain unknown.  I wouldn't be surprised if the skulls are from people killed during the war.  There is witchcraft in Africa, but besides one black magic booth in the market, I haven't seen anything else.


It's known that Burundi's government is corrupt.  But...there are some steps being taken to reduce the corruption.  One thing that has been changed recently is the addition of taxes on imported fabric.  This isn't the best news for the small business owners, but it is good that with regulation, there will be fewer bribes and a reduction in the corruption.  Also, perhaps the taxes will encourage Burundians to grow more cotton and produce more of their own fabric.  In protest of the new taxes, women that sell fabric removed their shirts and threw them at officials.  The customs officers and police weren't exactly sure what to do with the bare chested ladies.  This is a news story I will not be providing a link for.  :)

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