Saturday, July 6, 2013

Seth Chase

When Mom was out here, we left our town and traveled to the capital.  We stayed the night in the Youth for Christ guest house.  The next morning, Johnnie, the president of YFC, picked us up.  We traveled with Johnnie, Jackie, and a videographer, Seth Chase, to Cibitoke.  Seth was traveling to Cibitoke to make a video of the Children’s home for some of YFC’s supporters in Australia.  Here's a video he made last year:

Seth is from Montana, but has been traveling a lot in the last ten years.  He has traveled to many African nations, including southern Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Rwanda, and the Congo.  Seth knows a lot of politics in this area, and it was fascinating listening to some of his experiences.  He has had some contact with some political figures, and talked about some of the meetings related to the ongoing war in the Congo.  Seth reminds me of my uncle.  He’s adventurous, independent, and very smart.

The Congo has been in a state of war now for ten years.  Congo’s border is about 3km from Cibitoke.  Seth has traveled the road to Cibitoke a number of times to go to the Congo.  Soon, Seth will be traveling to the Congo and doing a video on Artisan Mining.  Artisan mining is done by making small tunnels and using basic tools.  It sounds like something from the movie Shawshank Redemption.  In the movie, the main character takes years to dig a prison escape tunnel using a small rock hammer.  Seth has had a lot of experiences, but this one is risky and one that he admits that has him worried.  Could you please pray for him and his journey?  It’s possible the film will be funded by Switzerland, but at this time, it’s not funded.  Seth will be doing the trip out of his own pocket.

For more information, go to or look up some of Seth's videos on YouTube.  You can Google Seth, however, beware!  There are multiple people named Seth Chase.  One is a terrorist, and another one does porn videos!



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