Saturday, July 6, 2013

Cibitoke Revisited

On the way to Cibitoke, I hoped Mom would see some birds.  I guess during the dry season, the birds hide.  Oops!  She did get to see a couple.
On the way, Johnnie said, "Burundians like to dance." The road was still bad, and we had to weave in and out of the holes.  But...there were some piles of dirt on the side of the road, ready to be used to fill the holes.

In Cibitoke, we saw the bakery again.  This time, they were making ibitambura, or sweet cubes of bread that are fried.  They are like donuts but without holes in the middle, powdered sugar, or frosting.
Mom with Joan, a lady from the YFC office.  She's been extremely
helpful with the immigration office, getting visas, and helping me get around in Bujumbura.
Across the road from the children's home is the new school, and another school where the kids currently go.  
Local kids watching the construction of the wall, and kids playing at the school.
The kids were doing well.  We did some coloring, and hung out with the kids.  We then went over to the new playground at the new school.  I believe the school will be open this fall.  A volunteer named Tara came out to Burundi a few weeks ago.  She packed some playground equipment, but it didn't come on her flight.  Thankfully, it did eventually come, and she was able to add it to the new playground at the school.  The kids love the new playground!  Thanks Tara, and those who have contributed to the playground!  Here’s a video of the mamas laughing at two kids swinging on the same swing.

Mom handing out cotton candy.

The store is now completely operational.  It has been a success, and we have been selling a lot of bread.  The new baker was invited out to my town to train the bakers at our bakery.  He joined us one night for dinner, but didn't speak much English.  The kids English is improving.  Seth took a video of the kids thanking the people in Australia and singing a song.

The new store, now fully in business.
"Thank you Australia for all you are doing...and have a good night."

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