Saturday, June 8, 2013

Waterfalls 6/2/13

Last Sunday, Mom and I traveled to some waterfalls in Burundi.  I drove JR and Ryan's van.  Mom and I went with Peter and his wife, and four kids from the Children's Home.  The four kids just took the national test and hope to enter 7th grade next year.  So, in a way this was their 6th grade graduation trip.
We left town after chapel.  We drove two hours.  Ok...normally it would be an hour and a half, but I was driving.  I've been told I drive like a Grandma.  One hour was on paved road, and the other hour was a four wheel drive trail.  The van didn't have that much clearance, and unfortunately I did hit the under carriage a couple of times.  Hopefully it's alright.
On the way to the waterfalls, we did see some deforestation and split logs along the road.  Bummer, but what are people to do?  The logs will probably be used for charcoal, and longer poles for building.
Wood stacked beside the road.  Notice the stumps on the left of the road.

When we arrived, we parked near some of the waterfalls.  The area I believe is a National park, and is protected.  Before the trip, I hadn't seen much forest in Burundi.  The tree in the parking area was pretty impressive.

The van that I drove to get to the waterfalls.  Our guide is in the pink shirt.
Going to the second set of waterfalls, we hiked down some steep rocky stairs.  We made it!  Mom compared the stairs to the nose bleed section of Sports Authority field.

The steps to the bottom of one of the waterfalls.
The set of waterfalls by the parking area.

The four kids from the children's home.

Peter and his wife.  They haven't been married a year yet. 
Peter is in charge of the Youth for Christ activities in my town.
Mom and me. :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture of you two!! I think of you every day and miss you!! Everything is fine here. I enjoy reading the blog. love, sue


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