Saturday, June 8, 2013

They're Multiplying...Like Rabbits! 06/03/13

They're multiplying like rabbits, probably because they are rabbits!  Over the past couple of months, Youth for Christ has been increasing the number of animals we have at both Children's homes.  At the one I live at, we went from having one or two cows, to having a number of goats, few cows, three pigs and a couple of dogs.  The pigs live off of the wasted food from the school.  It's mostly old beans and rice.
Now...we have bunnies.  The group from South Carolina bought the supplies and started the work to build rabbit cages.  I was hoping to finish the cages, but the next day, it was finished by some of the Burundians.  This week, rabbits were delivered from the capital city.  I'm sorry for those of you who love rabbits.  In Burundi, they aren't pets, they are food.  I don't think I have had rabbit before, but chances are, it will be part of my diet in the near future.  We often eat goat, and had one of the cows for the Worker's day celebration.
The pigs were anxious to receive their next meal.  We had Patty (aka Sausage Patty), Wilbur, and Charlotte.  I'm not sure which two we have left.
Milking one of the cows in Chibitoke.
New puppy at the Children's home where I live.  He doesn't have a name yet.
Rabbit houses being constructed (in the background).
One of the girls from the Children's home, working on a scarf with pieces of yarn.

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