Friday, June 21, 2013

Leadership Exchange 6/5/13

For the third term, 9 students visited the school from the province of Cankuzo.  Cankuzo is one of the poorest provinces in Burundi.  For the visit, I was responsible for doing an activity Friday afternoon, shortly after the students arrived.  The students did not speak any English, so instead of English Club on Friday afternoon, we made an exception and called it Kirundi Club.

For the activity, I decided to do something from my days as a camp counselor.  I decided we should play Queen Sheba.  I had the students divide into groups with ten students each.  Then, I had them to competitions to try to impress the queen.  JR, our schools headmaster, was the queen. 

The first activity we did was see which group could make him the best robe in ten minutes.  After the ten minutes, representatives from each group presented the robe to JR.  Many came with plants, and one group even kissed his hand. 


For the second competition, a student from each group put a medical latex glove on their head, and had a straw from the glove to their mouth.  Then, students raced to see who could blow up the glove, and make it come off their head first.  Sorry, I didn't get pictures of that event.

Unfortunately, the Cankuzo kids didn't participate that much.  I should have done something else to encourage more team work.  After the event, I found out that each student was from different villages.  I'm not sure any of them had more than a 4th grade education.  Each one was chosen from their village to visit our school, so they didn't know each other very well.  But...later we had a dance party.  I hope they enjoyed their time at our school.

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