Sunday, May 5, 2013

Solar Sisters 5/5/13

Here's a couple interesting articles. One is about providing clean water in Liberia, and one is about solar lighting in Uganda, and the organization that sells the lighting.

I have a solar light similar to the ones in the pictures in the articles. I use it when we run out of electricity from our solar panels. Sometimes, we don't have much sun during the day, so we are only able to store a couple hours of solar power. The lights in the picture will collect enough solar power to stay on for 4 hours at night. I think if they are low on power, they are dimmer, but they still work. The muzungu price (white person) is $12.

Light has a big impact on education. The light allows students to study and do their homework at night. In Haiti, kids will gather underneath the street lights to study for national exams. If they don't pass the exams, they don't get to continue in school. I think the same is true for kids in government schools in Burundi.

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