Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dodgeball 5/12/13

Calvin plays sports with the kids at the primary school close to noon, and the kids at my school for club time after school.  This week, he's been teaching the kids dodgeball.  I joined the girls sports club on Wednesday, and gave it a shot.  I haven't played in about 12 years.  I was afraid of playing with soccer balls, and afraid for the kids.  I did hit one girl in the side of the face with a ball.  She took it well, and is doing alright.  Calvin and some of the boys can throw hard enough I can't catch the balls.  I really enjoyed it, and managed to be the first on to get Calvin out.

On Thursday, there was a holiday and no school.  So, we had a dodgeball tournament.  Jen was the referee.  I was on the last team with some boys and Hanna.  We lost both our matches and were one of the first two teams eliminated.  Hanna told me her favorite part was when someone hit my feet with a ball.  I went down just like a tree and I remember hearing the "Yo!" exclamation from the crowd.  I sat up laughing, and walked away with a big bruise on my rear end as a souvenir.  I don't know who hit me.  Must have been someone with a bad grade on the last science quiz.  Maybe I will stick to playing with the girls.  :)

Kids watching from the steps.

One of the kids left on his team against six on the other.

This student probably threw balls the fastest.  The girls would scream when he threw.
One of the problems with the court is that balls do go over the wall and down the hill.  We are working on putting up a net.  On the other side of the wall generally there is someone that will retrieve the balls and throw them back over.  When I first arrived we lost some balls and all of our
volleyballs.  Some were stolen.  Others were lost.  We are doing better with that now.

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