Friday, May 17, 2013

Birthday Wishes 05/17/13

I had a wonderful birthday in April.  My birthday was on a Sunday.  Since one of the drivers wasn't available, I drove everyone to chapel at school in one of the trucks.  I enjoy driving once in awhile.  At chapel, everyone sung Happy Birthday to me.

In Burundi, the tradition on your birthday is to soak you with water!  So, the girls coaxed me up the hill to the girls dorm, and we had a massive water fight.  There aren't squirt guns or hoses...just facuets and buckets.  The girls used the 5 gallon buckets that they use to wash their clothes in.  I managed to get a couple girls wet, but I pretty much got annialiated.  I couldn't fill up a bucket fast enough, so I learned to catch the water they threw at me with a bucket, then throw it back at them.  It was a lot of fun.

That night, we got together and had a special dinner at Jeremy and Nadia's new house.  Ryan made spaghetti and garlic bread.  Calvin backed a cake!  It had chocolate icing, and was similar to banana bread.  It was delicious!  Nadia found a birthday hat, and Hanna made me a card.  She makes some of the most beautiful cards I have seen.  Jana gave me some cookies from the capital, and they all gave me a basket with some excellent chocolate, and some other packages of cookies.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kim, delayed Happy Birthday wishes. Is May 17th your birthday? That is also the National Holiday of Norway and I had my long distance celebration by myself and with Facebook friends. looks like you are doing well. Got almost a bit envious when Roberta told me she is going out to visit you in Burundi. What an adventure! Do let me know when you are back an will tell about your time in Burundi. Love and Blessings. Ann Nordeng


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