Saturday, December 15, 2012

In the Beginning...

There are four main qualities I believe God has.  I try to keep these in the back of my mind:
- Eternal
- Omnipotent (all powerful)
- All knowing
- Good
God is perfect.  I am not.  If God is in heaven, no matter what I do on Earth, there is no way I can obtain enough righteousness so that one day I would deserve to know him.  So, God sent someone who was or is perfect to be our advocate.  Our wrong doings can be dismissed, and the person that allows that to happen is Jesus.  Jesus died.  I wish he didn't have to die, but he did.  I can't change that.  But, I can accept God's grace and strive to follow God's will.  One of the main reasons for going on this mission trip is that I feel it is something God would want me to do.

So...the countdown starts.  I have 12 days before my plane takes off.

"A long time ago, in a galaxy" not too far away...
Genesis 1:1-5 (Click for video)

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