Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gearing Up

I have today and tomorrow to get ready for Africa.  My visa is on a delivery truck, bound for my house sometime today.  What a relief!

The craziest week in my life was the time before I went to Thailand.  I quit my job, was in two weddings, and got in a major car accident.  This week ranks up there with Christmas, the passing of my Grandpa in California, and leaving  my job after four and a half years.  I'm sorry I haven't posted an update lately.

Last week, I was able to talk to the headmaster of the school and get more information.  He's been very patient with me, although I imagine he is also dealing with a lot.  I will either be staying in a four bedroom house a couple miles from the school with two men and another lady, or at a children's home.  I think the children's home would be in the same compound as the school.

My classroom has a blackboard, and sometimes has electricity.  There is only electricity when generators are running for the computer lab.  In Burundi, most people can't afford a computer.  So, many people have flash drives to carry information with them.  There are a lot of viruses related to the flash drives (same as Thailand), and I don't look forward to dealing with that again.  One of the things the school is working on getting the kids flash drives.  They have 25 so far, and there are about 88 students.  I'll be taking 16 4GB flash drives with me.  Thank you so much for the 13 donated flash drives!

So far, $778 have been raised for the Burundi people.  Thank you so much for your donations!  A couple from Canada will be coming out to Burundi, and starting a medical clinic near the school.  I'm working on getting in touch with them to see what the money can do for the clinic.  I have a number of medications to take with me, but I imagine with over 100 kids in the compound, they won't go far.  I wanted to take a Cure Kit from Project Cure, but taking a second check in bag may be more than I can handle. 

I leave Friday morning at 11am.  Chances are, I won't sleep Thursday night.  I will be flying to Washington DC on Friday with my school's headmaster.  We will be joined by another lady in Washington.  The three of us will fly to Geneva, Switzerland.  I don't do well flying.  I can't sleep, and sometimes I'll get anxious and mad that I can't sleep.  Meeting my new boss and going on an international flight with him could be interesting.  I'm not sure if more prayer is needed for me, or for the headmaster and the other lady we are traveling with!

Once in Geneva, we plan to hop on a morning train, and head to either France or Italy.  Our flights were cheapest through Geneva, but Geneva is expensive.  We may go to Turin or Milan.  We will travel around Europe for three days, then head back to Geneva.  From Geneva, we'll go to Brussels, Belgium, then to Bujumbura, Burundi. 

I have had a wonderful Christmas, and will miss everyone dearly.  I don't remember goodbyes being nearly as difficult when I went to Thailand for six months.  Thank you so much for being there for me, the hugs, the tears, and for the prayers.  I truly have everything I need, and nearly everything I want.  In one of his first sermons, my pastor said that church was to comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.  I am comfortable.  I am blessed.  It is my hope to comfort the afflicted.  :)

"In his name the nations will put their hope." - Matthew 12:21

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