Thursday, February 28, 2013

Memories 2/28/13

The 36 kids that are at the Children's home are delightful.  After teaching, I'll often come back home and play with the kids.  The kids will come to the house and hang out on the porch.  They still play with the hula hoops, but not as much.  Lately, they will come inside and point at cards that we have and ask to play with them.  They will take the cards and start laying out pairs on the porch.  Then, they gather up the pairs, and push the unpaired cards to the side.  Then, they play the game memory.  I taught one of the boys War with the playing cards, but it didn't seem to catch on.

Mom and Dad, payback is sweet.  You will be happy to here that that I played memory, and the youngest boy playing, Bret, slaughtered the rest of us.

Bret, wearing blue:

Dennis: One of the youngest kids at the home. He understands English but is content to ignore you.  If he doesn't like something, look out!  One day he got mad and smacked Hanna on the head!  The other kids have been very helpful watching Dennis, and keeping him in line.  He's pretty cute and always curious.

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