Thursday, February 28, 2013

Dance Party 2/28/13

On Friday nights, I often stay at school and show a movie.  But, instead of a movie, one night we did a dance party.  All the staff staying at the children's home made it, as well as Michelle from Bujumbura.  JR, used to be a DJ.  He cranked up the volume and played music while the kids danced.  We ran out of energy stored up by the solar panels, and then we ran the generator.  One of the highlights of the night was Jeremy dancing to the song "Gungan Style" with the boys.  Jen and I managed to squeeze in swing dance.  Several boys were good at break dancing on the floor. 
In Burundi, touching between boys and girls is discouraged, but often there is more touching between boys, and between girls then back home.  So, the girls danced with girls, and the boys danced with boys.  I will often see boys holding each other or holding hands.  When I see it, it still surprises me.
JR and Ryan gave us a ride back to the Children's home after the party.  We sung a couple songs and had a blast.
Michelle, Hanna, Jeremy and Nadia dancing:
Gungan Style:

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