Sunday, September 22, 2013

Boards 9/7/2013

Registration day, I wrote on a whiteboard in the office, "Welcome to school!  Go to the Rice Student Union [the cafeteria] for registration and check in."  Unfortunately, two days later...I couldn't erase it!  The whiteboard didn't work well last year, and we had trouble erasing it.  It was dirty, so...someone painted it white.

We have new larger black boards this year.  It helps.  I've had some trouble erasing them, so sometimes I use a wet rag to erase them.  One student asked me, "Do they use water in America to clean the board?"  I thought about it.  My high school had white boards, and when I was a teacher, I mainly used transparencies on a projector.  I was honest with my reply and said, "We don't use a lot of black boards.  I think we mostly use white boards."  Without hesitation, another student shouted out, "'Cause you're white!"

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