Saturday, June 8, 2013

South Carolina Blessing 6/3/13

Nine people from South Carolina visited recently.  Most of them only spent less then a week in Burundi.  They got to spend some time with Youth for Christ and some time in the town I am in, and some time with another organization called Harvest for Christ.  They were going to fly out to Burundi with Mom, but the flight from Charleston to DC was cancelled!  5 people arrived a day late, and 4 people arrived two days late, but we were happy to have them.  There were 9 people, and they brought 23 bags!  They brought some science supplies...petri dishes, eye droppers and crucibles.  They also brought text books, and sound equipment for chapel at school.  They also brought things for the kids at the children's home and some medical supplies.

In the second group, a young lady named Sherry came.  She will be in Burundi for a year teaching women how to do hair, and other activities to educate and empower women in Burundi.  She will probably be living with Jen and I.  So...I have a new roommate!  I look forward to getting to know Sherry.

One of the ladies that came was a doctor.  So, for one day, she examined kids from the Homes of Hope, and I believe some kids from the primary school.  Mom and another visitor played with the kids waiting to be seen.

By the primary school, Youth for Christ opened a small store.  Mom and a couple volunteers painted the store.  Mom's done some painting before.  When they got the paint can, Mom told people working with her to shake the can.  They didn't.  They opened in, and the paint was separated.  Instead of stirring it, they added paint thinner, then stirred it.  So, the paint was thin and drippy.  It might still be drying, but the store looks beautiful!  They will be selling basic supplies..laundry detergent, some food, cookies, some school supplies, and bread.  I'm guessing the store in Chibitoke (where the other Children's Home is) was a success, so Youth for Christ decided to open one here.

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