Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Staff Dinner 3/5/13

For a special treat, the staff went out to dinner together after parent teacher conferences.  We went to a place called the Orange Lounge.  We had the choice of fried fish, broiled fish, or chicken.  I had chicken but might go for fried fish the next time.  I like fish, but the broiled fish comes with scales and the head of the fish.  The chicken was a good treat.  I see a lot of live chickens in the market, but haven't had much chicken since I got here.  I think they are mostly for eggs.  Mostly, if I have meat at school or at the Children's home, it's beef or goat.

We might do a dinner again next month, or in two months. We will have to see.


Michelle, Hanna, Nadia and Jen on the swings:

Ryan and JR on the teeter totter:

Jack, the Kirundi teacher on the Merry Go Round.  I tried it and learned quickly that spinning no longer agrees with me.

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