Monday, August 26, 2013

Donations 8/26/13

Thank you so much for all the donations for Burundi!  I was truly amazed by how much people donated, and I'm excited to distribute the items to the people here.  I managed to bring at least 70 lbs of donated items with my baggage.  Unfortunately, the third bag on South African Airways is $350!  So, Mom is going to ship items to Burundi.  They will be tracked until customs in Burundi, and we are hoping that they will come to Burundi within four months using a specific address.

I've already organized the donated items.  Since some Youth for Christ volunteers were in town from the YFC Cibitoke locations, I divided items up, and sent them back to Cibitoke with supplies for the Children's home and the new school.  I brought about 48 jumpropes, and I'm especially excited to use them.  I will probably do more posts about other items that were donated.

Volunteers Praise and Stella with jumpropes for Cibitoke

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